When you spend long hours in front of a computer, it can affect your eyes. Computer eye fatigue is often called computer vision syndrome, and there are ways to treat it. When you have tired or dry eyes from working at a computer for many hours a day, you may need to see an eye doctor for help. At Columbia Vision Center, we have been providing Seattle residents with reliable eye care services for many years including computer eye fatigue treatment.  


What is Eye Fatigue?

When you spend a lot of time working at a computer, it is visually demanding. Prolonged periods of heavy computer use can lead to problems with your eyes and your vision. This type of work requires a lot of eye alignment, focusing, and constant eye movement. All of this adds up to eye fatigue. When people use computers, it's been found that they blink only half as often as they normally would. This lack of blinking can make things look blurry, and it can cause dry eyes. The eyestrain that you experience will be made even worse if you are deprived of sleep or work in marathon sessions on your computer. 

Symptoms of Computer Eye Fatigue

If you have this form of eye fatigue, there are several symptoms you may experience. Eye fatigue can cause you to have double vision, blurry vision, and have a hard time focusing once you leave your computer. It can also cause your eyes to become red and irritated and even lead to headaches. You may also experience eyestrain or have pain and stiffness in your neck. 

Computer Eye Fatigue Treatment

When you have this eye condition, several treatments can help it. There is a treatment type called the 20-20-20 rule. This means that you look at something 20 feet away or more over 20 minutes and do that for 20 seconds or more. This can give your eyes the break they need to be less fatigued. Some people also put a sticky note on their computers to remind themselves to blink more often. 

It's also important to set up your workspace to minimize eye strain. It is best to sit about two feet away from your computer and to have it angled so that you are looking downward slightly. Adjust the brightness so that it isn't too bright. You can also put a screen filter in front of it to reduce the amount of glare that comes from the screen. 

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist in Seattle

Call Columbia Vision Center today at (206) 382-6682 for more information on computer eye fatigue or to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor.


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